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5 Ways to Buy Fixer Upper Houses in Dallas

Posted on: May 23rd, 2023 by , No Comments

When one thinks about how to buy fixer upper houses they have to remember that this is not for everyone. But for those that want to be involved in the fastest ways to buy investment properties, this is ideal. Wanting to buy fixer-upper houses is one thing. Doing it is another. One of the stumbling blocks is where to buy houses to flip.

Here are five of the most successful ways to answer where to find wholesale real estate deals.

Scouting Out the Area

look for areas to buy fixer upper houses

It may take a little time, but driving around the area can be a great solution to where to buy houses to flip. It means being observant. It doesn’t take much to detect homes that are in rough shape. Those that need some tender loving care. After finding a few of these, there is nothing wrong with the direct approach. If you want to buy fixer-upper houses, you need to have some confidence. Simply go and knock on the door of a home that fits into this category. Ask if they are the homeowner. If so, ask if they would be interested in selling. There are a lot of people that just cannot afford to fix their homes. They don’t think they are worth putting on the market. Having someone who is interested to buy fixer-upper houses may be all they need.

How to buy houses from wholesalers also means looking for a sale by owner opportunities. Some homeowners may have approached traditional real estate agents to list their house. But, because of its poor condition, they were not very hopeful.  They probably considered the real estate costs. They know they were not likely to come out with any money. This may have driven them to the sale by owner option. This may be one of the fastest ways to buy investment properties.

Watch for Estate Sales

Another place where to find wholesale real estate deals is through estate sales. There are a lot of people who end up inheriting their parent’s homes. In many cases, these homes have been neglected. The party inheriting the home wants to get rid of it. They may not realize that there are individuals who buy fixer-upper houses. You as one of these individuals can approach them. The sale price of the house is not going to be their major concern. Their priority is going to be on getting rid of the house in the fastest way possible. This is the selling point that you want to make. Outline that as a professional that wants to buy fixer-upper houses you can close fast. Also, it will be hassle-free. Also, point out that there will be no need for a house inspection. They won’t be incurring any real estate costs. These are extremely important factors for these individuals.

Look for Tax Lien Properties

find liens to buy fixer upper houses

The government gets to a point where they will take action against those homeowners. Those who do not pay their taxes. They will put a lien on the property. Then eventually force a sale. The buy fixer-upper houses expert should be aware of these opportunities. Often the government will make it public that they have these houses for sale. They are only interested in getting the money out of the sale that is owed for the taxes. They are not intent on getting any extra money for the homeowner.

In many of the cases, these homes are run down. They are in need of repair. If the homeowner was not able to pay their taxes then not likely, they could afford repairs.

Use the Internet

Those that want to buy fixer-upper houses will soon recognize that the internet can be a great tool for finding these. It too can be time-consuming. It means having to sort through all the listings to find those that fit the criteria. Still, it is worth the work because there is usually a selection of them to be found. After some research, it will be easy to determine which sites contain more of these types of listings. Keeping a database with the links to these sites will save time in the future.

Turn to Professional Wholesalers

talk to professionals to buy fixer upper houses

Out of the five tips here for helping individuals buy fixer upper houses this one may be the most important. How to buy houses from wholesalers is something everyone should learn. Meaning those who want to buy fixer-upper houses.

How to buy houses from wholesalers is an easy process. But it still has some rules that one should set for themselves. Not everyone that says they are a professional property wholesaler is a pro. There are some who think that because they sell cheap houses that they experts at this. There are certain components that come with wholesale house selling.

It has to be a quick and easy transaction. The wholesaler has to be honest and upfront with their deal. They need to know the process that has to be carried out with this type of property transaction. The cash has to be readily available. There are none of the traditional components that come with buying and selling houses.

Buy Fixer Upper Houses Today!

You want your first experience with a professional wholesale of houses to be a positive one. This is what you can expect when you purchase one of our fixer upper houses. We care about making connections with local real estate investors so that we can have a long lasting beneficial relationship. Here at Roddy Offers Buys Houses, we spend time finding the best wholesale properties for our valued investors on our buyers list. We have earned our reputation for being professionals when it comes to wholesaling and real estate investing in Dallas.

It doesn’t matter whether you are new to the process of how to buy fixer upper houses or not. We are prepared to do business with you. Have a question about our process? Want to join our buyers list? Great! We’d love to get in contact with you. Give us a call today at 469-406-6961, or visit our website to join our buyers list. 🙂

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.